THWARTS is the new venue for inter-disciplinary tornado science discussion and collaboration – come to be inspired, to share your insight, and to connect with the current and future leaders in tornado research.

Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) and the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign are pleased to launch the joint THWARTS / IBHS Natural Hazards Symposium Series.

Following the success of the THWARTS (Tornado Hazard Wind Assessment and Reduction Symposium) held at the University of Illinois in 2018-2019, IBHS is pleased to join as a co-sponsor of the series. Due to the current COVID restrictions, we are planning to host webinars on (nominally) a monthly basis until the in-person series can resume.

The seminar series is focused on promoting research and collaborations in the field of tornado science and engineering by:

– Connecting new students, academic researchers, and industry partners with those established in the field

– Highlighting historical and leading-edge research developments

– Highlighting student internship opportunities

– Coalescing interdisciplinary tornado research

See the PROGRAM for upcoming talks.

Please contact us to make suggestions or request information!